Cost Efficient, Professional Answering Service Available to Answer Your Calls 365 Days a Year.
A professional call answering company like Dexcomm can help your oil and gas company increase efficiency & productivity, maximizing your profitability.
Most types of calls businesses in the oil and gas sector receive are from customers with short, simple questions. It may seem like these questions are best left to employees, but over the course of a day that time and productivity adds up to real dollars lost for your business. Calls that take more time, such as those from angry customers, reports of leaks on a line, or questions about day-to-day business operations can compound your costs.
Having a call answering service like Dexcomm that's knowledgeable in the oil and gas industry answer your calls can free up a significant amount of employee time, allowing them to focus on what's most important.

Client-Backed Results
“In our line of business we have personnel on call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We are confident that we can always depend on Dexcomm to assist us in our after hour business telephone needs. It is a pleasure working with such a ‘Top Notch’ organization!”