
According to a post on Huffpost Australia, the average person spends about 13 years of their life and an additional hour of unpaid overtime. We spend a lot of time at our work places, which is why it’s important to create a work place atmosphere that focuses on positivity. Everyone wants to love what they do. The more satisfied we are in our work environment, the more likely we are to perform well at our job. So what can you do as a business owner to encourage positivity and inspiration every day in the work place? Well, you’ve come to the right place.

One of the best ways to generate a positive environment is by befriending your employees. Make work a fun, but still productive place to be. The more a person enjoys something, the more likely they are to do it well. By having a friendly environment that is supportive and driven, people will strive to do their best simply because they want to.

unspecified-9-600x400To befriend your employees and co-workers, you need to show them that you respect them. Promoting respect among everyone who works at your business can help a lot in the long run. When many people are gathered together and working on solving big problems, there are bound to be disagreements and heads clashing. By ensuring that everyone respects one another, the disagreements can be handled smoothly. By valuing your co-workers and the way that each individual thinks and processes information, you open yourself up to different possibilities that perhaps would never have surfaced.

The final way is to give quality, constructive feedback. We recently wrote a blog on this topic. If you’re struggling with giving feedback that is taken well, then we suggest you check out this blog as well!

Your business is comprised of unique employees all of whom have the potential to provide great ideas for your operations. By cultivating a positive work environment, these employees will be more likely to share their ideas and work harder for the betterment of your business.

Dexcomm is a Louisiana-based corporation that provides answering services to businesses and service agencies across the United States. We have been open since 1954, employ a staff of roughly 80 people, and our average client retention rate is 10+ years.

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Read More About The Author: Elisabeth Gurdián