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It’s no secret that the oil and gas industry is a 24-hour, 365-day operation. If something were to go wrong for your clients or employees, it is important that help is readily available to them. Keeping a line of communication open with your customers, future customers and employees at all hours of the day is essential for your business. Not matter how big or small your business is, it is important to be there when your callers need you.

The oil and gas industry is so complex and continues to face new challenges every day. These challenges can include minimizing costs to remain competitive, guaranteeing that your plants are dependable, having no unanticipated shutdowns and meeting all the environmental regulations. When your business is constantly working on overcoming these obstacles, a missed call should not be on your list of things to worry about. Rather than trying to handle all the incoming calls yourself, it may make practical sense to look at outsourcing those calls.

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If you, yourself, are facing hardships with keeping up with your calls and are considering outsourcing them; there are a few things to know before you get started. Outsourcing your calls to a professional answering partner has the potential to improve employee morale, improve workplace safety and improve customer satisfaction. By outsourcing you can also:

    1. Capture more calls
    2. Improve the quality of your service
    3. Increase productivity
    4. Give your business the opportunity to make more money
    5. Build better relationships with suppliers

If you are at the point where you are contemplating how to choose the best answering service, you will need to take some time to understand your needs first, and then try and locate an answering partner who can accommodate. To make the process a little bit easier we’ve included a few questions to ask yourself to help with the process:

    1. What is your call volume (number of inbound calls) on a weekly or monthly basis?
      • Are you missing any calls?
    2. What is the value of each of these call types to your business?
      • Dollar amount?
      • Customer relations?
    3. What do you wish to accomplish by partnering with an answering service?
      • What is your ideal solution?
    4. What are the types of calls the answering service can expect to receive?
      • Are all these call types essential to your business?
    5. Do you have a budget in mind?
    6. Do you have peak times when you need your calls answered, or do you need assistance all day?

Choosing the right answering service for your business can be a very intimidating task. We understand that it is difficult to give up control and trust that the service is going to fulfill all your needs accordingly. This partner is an extension of your business so, your choice must be compatible, experienced, reliable and cost-effective. Take into consideration the following key areas when deciding on the perfect answering service to outsource your calls:

    1. Availability
    2. Services and packages offered
    3. Pricing
    4. Company culture
    5. Security

Many of us would like to think that we can do it all, but even the most organized need some help from time to time. Finding the right way to conduct business is a very important part of making your operations work. Outsourcing to the right organization can be a blessing, choosing poorly can be a serious headache. Making the right decision for your business is crucial and an answering service is there to take some of the pressure off so you can achieve maximum growth for your business.


If you find that you're missing a lot of calls and it is beginning to affect your business, please don’t hesitate to reach out to an answering service. You can visit this link or call (337) 236-8300 to find out how Dexcomm can help your business!

Contact Us

Dexcomm is a Louisiana-based corporation that provides answering services to businesses and service agencies across the United States. We have been open since 1954, employ a staff of roughly 80 people, and our average client retention rate is 10+ years.

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Read More About The Author: Ashley Plauche